Scottish Care Service Praised by Care Inspectorate

A service in Dunblane which supports adults with learning disabilities has been praised for giving residents “their life back” following their latest inspection from the Care Inspectorate.

Located in Dunblane, Ranaich House is a specialist residential service run by Cygnet Social Care which offers care and support for up to 14 adults with learning disabilities and complex needs. The service provides specialist nursing care and support that is tailored to individual needs, promoting independence and community integration.

The latest inspection was an unannounced inspection on 7 and 8 November 2023. The inspection was focused on two of the five Quality Inspection Framework evaluations – ‘How well do we support people’s wellbeing?’ and ‘How good is our leadership?’ Following the inspection they were rated as ‘5 – Very Good’ in both areas.

The full report highlighted many areas of positive practice. Inspectors said: “People experienced support with compassion, dignity, and respect. Staff provided personalised support for each person living in the home. This benefited their wellbeing and enhanced their day-to-day life.

“Relationships between staff and people were warm, respectful, and positive. Staff were sensitive and knowledgeable about people’s needs and wishes. Everyone we spoke with praised the service. One supported person told us, “I feel happy and safe here”

“Staff displayed very good insight when there were changes in people’s mood and offered appropriate support and reassurance. This meant people’s emotional wellbeing was enhanced. People living in the home appeared confident and empowered, and clearly felt valued and respected.”

Inspectors commented how people were enabled to get the most out of life, with options to maintain, develop and explore their strengths, interests, and skills. People were supported to participate in a wide range of social and leisure opportunities, both within the home and in the wider community. Some people had recently been on holiday with staff support.

Praising the “warm and welcoming” atmosphere in the home, inspectors said:

One family member we spoke with said that since moving into Ranaich House, their child “Had their life back, and it’s been life-changing for us.”

“Ranaich House offered a “home for life” approach for some people. For others, it was a home where people were supported to develop skills in preparation for more independent living. Staff did this very well, and people had made clear progress both in their independence and in their emotional resilience.”

The report also highlighted that the service was led well and that leaders and staff displayed very good values. It referenced how people had very good health outcomes and that the service had very good quality assurance systems.

Jorden Gallagher, Cygnet Social Care Service Manager, said she was incredibly proud of her team. She added: “We have such a hard working, dedicated and compassionate team who are consistently committed to the service users and each other, striving every day to provide excellent support. Our inspection feedback has been amazing again this year, we are very proud to retain our “Very Good” status with the Care Inspectorate.

“Everybody at Cygnet Social Care is delighted with the report and we are so grateful that the positive impact living at Ranaich House has on people is continually being recognised by the service users, the families of those we support and our regulators.